Colby's baptism was yesterday. He's now 10 weeks old! He still has his own look, but people comment that he looks like Jake. He wore Jake's christening outfit. The Schmuckers stood in for Sandy and David as godparents. Poor Dad was under the weather all day, but toughed out the ceremony. Brother and Sister were excited and Mama was proud.
Jake got a shiner, actually 2 shiners that you see in these pics. The first he got in the bathroom @ Burger King. He came out wailing with a big goose egg on his head! I asked him about what happened as I applied ice to his bump. Through tears and some sucking of air, he told me about his urgent need to go potty and his pants being down around his ankles, then demonstrated the pee-pee dance he was doing when
he lost his balance and hit his head on the toilet! I tried not to laugh! A few days later, he was weaving through tables at breakfast at a hotel and cracked his head on the corner of one of them - same spot, big goose egg again, with a little blood this time. Both whacks were in the same spot - his right temple. But now the blood is all draining down his face and it looks like he has a huge black eye. Hope it heals up for our family pics in a few weeks! He's playing Tee Ball, now, and doing pretty well. Haley is playing soccer and is still in gymnastics and piano. We're lining up what activities we're doing for the summer. It'll be new and great for Mom and kids to actually be home for summer fun!
We saw Grandpa Keating in Saratoga Springs last weekend. He was there for a SGM conference, so we shot up there over the weekend and were able to see him Sat. afternoon/evening. We also ran into him at the Battle of Saratoga site on Sunday where he was on a staff ride. S Springs is a great little town with lots of restaurants, shopping and parks. Haley and Jake ran around and played in the natural springs there. The weather was gorgeous!