Saturday, February 09, 2008

One More Week!

That's all we have until Baby Colby is due! Jake is very excited to have a little brother and Haley is looking forward to playing Little Momma with the new baby! I didn't work all week and have thoroughly enjoyed prepping for baby, baking cookies and putting my feet up! I haven't had much success in convincing the doctors that we should maybe induce before this kid gets gi-normous. 2 weeks ago he measured 7lbs, 6oz. Jake was 8lbs, 13oz! I have an ultrasound Monday, so we'll see if we can add some meat to my argument! Pun intended.

Ryan was made the Battalion TAC, which is just another hat he has to wear. It has kept him pretty busy, so far. There have been some formal cadet functions the last few weeks that I have missed, due to my condition. I am definitely at the uncomfortable stage!!

Things have settled down after the holidays. The kids have started lessons at the ski slope - Jake is skiing and Haley is snowboarding. They love it! The weather didn't cooperate last week, but it's snowing now. Hopefully this week they can pick it up again.

1 comment:

Angie said...

So do you have a baby yet?