Tuesday, February 13, 2007


We joined forces with our friends, the Meerts and threw a "Major Holiday Party" in December for the ELDP cohort to celebrate Ryan and Robb's promotions to Major. It was much fun with lots of food, fun, drinks and karaoke! Jeff VanAntwerp kicked off the singing and many others followed suit. We have quite the number of crooners in our group! I expect to see Wyatt on Nashville Star someday. Ryan was a great D.J./M.C., treating us to a bonus couple of David Allen Coe songs. Haley and Katie Howell practiced for American Idol. Speaking of Idol, Lesley Hoyman was the proud winner of the American Idol Hits CD in our Dirty Santa game! I apologize to whoever wound up with the jingle bell boxers and not-so-matching redneck beer T-shirt. I did NOT pick that out! Jake was outnumbered by all the cute little girls to play with. A great time was had by all! Quote of the evening, "Those Keatings are just a party in a box!"

1 comment:

Patti said...

Congratulations to Ryan on his promotion!